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Harbinger is easy to use with ALL game systems!
Choose from our fantasy or sci-fi sets for your next campaign and build your world to scale!
Use doors, stairs, walls, and halls to create the ultimate, immersive experience!

We're in the final stages of development of our Fantasy and Sci-fi sets! Stay updated on our release by joining our newsletter!

What is the Harbinger 3D Terrain System?Harbinger is a modular 3D terrain system focused on enhancing tabletop gameplay by taking your gaming in a new direction…vertical! Unlike other systems, Harbinger is designed with gameplay and functionality firmly in mind. We removed bulky walls and door minis that just get in the way to focus on functional, portable, and affordable play surface!
What makes Harbinger different?Harbinger is not about creating expensive, heavy and bulky dioramas. It is designed to be an affordable, durable, and portable system that is fun to setup and easy to store, and easy to take wherever your players are! Other than the 2mm thick high-density grayboard walls and 4-fold 18”X18” encounter maps that come with each Harbinger set the system is entirely paperless. Rooms, halls, stairs and support components are plastic and/or vinyl for far greater durability and simple clean-up. Stairs are made fully functional and “to scale” using treads which allow miniatures to ascend/descend with ease. Finally stable and beautiful five-level deep dungeons, caverns, outposts, space stations, etc. are possible with Harbinger’s unique support components.
Does Harbinger work with any game system?Yes, any system that employs a 1” grid is perfectly suited for the Harbinger experience! We also add some very simple symbols to the art like room and hall numbers, thresholds, difficult terrain and impassable terrain but these can easily be ignored or their functionality modified to suit a given rule system.
Can Harbinger sets be combined?Yes, combining sets is the vehicle through which massive three, four and five level structures come to life! The Harbinger system will quickly become the most powerful tool in the GMs storytelling arsenal!
Do Harbinger levels stack?Yes, BUT no one wants to reach under or between layers of terrain to move miniatures, especially during large battles with lots of troops involved. That is why Harbinger was developed to be sturdy enough that layers can easily be separated and set aside to give players that critical “exploded view” of more complex battles. Harbinger is designed to sprawl well with its various layers at varying heights spreading out in front of the players in impressive fashion. The great part of having a system with few walls or obstacles, however, is that when stacking is critical Harbinger is still quite functional!
What is the maximum height that the Harbinger system can reach vertically?If creating a five-level structure the maximum height would be approximately 10”.
Do I need to buy all the sets of Harbinger?No. We offer four fantasy and four sci-fi sets. Each set features different rooms/halls, art style and slightly different components. Each set is designed to offer a bit different experience. The first set, in either fantasy or sci-fi, is designed to introduce players to the Harbinger concept and offer the components to build a large two-level deep structure. The fantasy style of set one is called Caverns and the sci-fi set style is called Starship. The second set, in either fantasy or sci-fi, is designed to allow players to build deeper three-level deep structures, and much larger if combined with set one. The fantasy style of set two is called Opulent and the sci-fi set style is called Dark Forces. The third and fourth sets introduce the 4-pc dungeon riser component which allows players to elevate an entire 18”X18” encounter map to either 2” (level two) of 4” (level 3) which can then facilitate four and five level deep structures! The third and fourth sets also introduce Balustrades which allow for inter-level ranged combat. Your set selections should be based on how you will use Harbinger in your gaming, what your needs are and which art styles you prefer. That being said, a complete four set collection of Harbinger looks amazing on any table and delivers all the bells and whistles of what Harbinger offers to your gaming!
What is the cost of Harbinger as compared to other systems?The average cost of a room or hallway in the Harbinger system is $1.87, whether on the encounter map or the individual room and hallway tiles. You won’t find a better value out there, especially when you consider that our rooms and hallways all come standard with full color artwork.
What Harbinger products are launching initially?We have four great fantasy sets launching initially: caverns, opulent/urban, cold stone and encrusted. These four sets used separately or together allow for infinite combinations to create very complex structures of varying sizes and shapes! Just like our four fantasy sets, our sci-fi sets: starship, dark forces, backwater outpost and mining colony are great separately but when combined will cover a full-sized game table with structures that will keep your players coming back for more!
What custom components will be offered for Harbinger?We will be offering new and unique rooms, hallways and other features in the future. The Harbinger system will continue to grow and expand based on what we want to see and what our GMs and players decide they want! We got to this point by listening to fans, taking feedback and making changes based on your input so we have no intention of stopping that!
Will the system be supported and expanded?Of course! While our initial launch of the four fantasy and four sci-fi sets is a lot, we are prepared to stock both standard parts as well as new custom rooms and halls from time to time! We are excited to see what new components our players request so that we can develop those as well. We even have a few “secret” components under development that we aren’t ready to reveal just yet but look forward to sharing soon!
So if the system is all plastic/vinyl how is the art applied?The artwork for each set comes on one or two sheets of die-cut adhesive backed vinyl. You simply match the vinyl artwork with a given room or hallway shape, separate the backing from one edge, line it up and affix it, then carefully peel back the remaining backing and affix the rest…no painting necessary! Stairs units, whether fantasy stone block or futuristic sci-fi, come in black plastic and may be dry-brushed or painted as desired. The artwork for the greyboard encounter maps, walls and tokens are of course printed on press and feature a scratch resistant matte varnish finish to maximize durability.
Who created the artwork for the Harbinger system?All the artwork for the four fantasy sets was created by Léni Scheider of Darkest Dungeon fame while the four science fiction sets were designed by artist Roge Barot III.
How much space does Harbinger take up when not in use?Harbinger has one of the smallest footprints on your game shelving of any terrain system! The box for each Harbinger set is only 9" X 11.5" X 2.25" and that is because of our unique support components and sturdy plastic construction. No more storing huge boxes of delicate cardboard components!
Will Harbinger still be available for use with the Vrahode Game System as originally planned?Yes, the Vrahode specific versions of the Harbinger Fantasy sets will release with the Vrahode expansions that each set is compatible with! The difference between the regular sets and the Vrahode specific sets is that each will contain 4 exclusive minis, cards and a Vrahode specific campaign book. The release of the expansions is not yet announced. Please subscribe to our newsletter for updates!

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Weathervane Games
Weathervane Games is above all a game publisher and design studio. We presently have eleven products in development nine of which are based around the fantasy world of Vrahode.

Our initial game Vrahode - Age of Prophecy
is now on Gamefound!
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